The Controversial Departure of Sergio Scariolo from Virtus: Leaks, Disputes, and the New Coach

The departure of Sergio Scariolo from Virtus continues to cause a lot of talk. The leaks about the dismissal, with the coaches speaking in his favor and the entity against him, do not stop happening. The management did not like the comments about the state of the entity and his goodbye was devastating, although the differences between the board and the Spanish coach went back a long way. The forms have caused controversy and have opened different debates, in addition to expressing opinions and comments with the epicenter of those social networks that shamelessly manage public opinion. For now, it will be difficult to clarify the facts: Scariolo has not made any statements and it has been Virtus that has been in charge of justifying his dismissal for different reasons. The last to speak was the president, Massimo Zanetti, who repeatedly insisted that the coach’s behavior was not appropriate.

“We cannot forget the meetings he had last year with the Toronto Raptors and Real Madrid. Furthermore, last October he wanted to remove Milos Teodosic and Marco Belinelli from the team: he considered them too old,” said Zanetti, who became the owner of Vitus in 2016 and has been president of the entity since 2021. The majority sponsor of Virtus is Segafredo Zanetti, the largest private coffee brand in the world and managed by Massimo himself. Who, after the commotion created, has taken it upon himself to blame Scariolo by listing a series of ugly things that the club considers they have received from the coach.

“Scariolo said that Iffe Lundberg wanted to fire him from us, but he already wanted to fire him last year. There is a lot of inconsistency in what he says. He wanted to get rid of all the older players,” says Zanetti. about the dismissal. Scariolo leaves Virtus with a good record, since he won the 2022 Eurocup and won two consecutive national Super Cups. What he did not achieve was the Italian League, since Virtus came in second place on two consecutive occasions, with Olimpia Milano being the winner on both occasions. In the last edition of the Euroleague they also failed to reach the quarterfinals, finishing in 12th position with a balance of 14 wins but 20 losses.

Zanetti also wanted to justify the signing of Luca Bianchi as Scariolo’s replacement. The Italian has just achieved a historic fifth place in the World Cup with Latvia and was one of Spain’s executioners. In addition, they were on the verge of advancing from the quarterfinals against Latvia if a three-pointer at the buzzer by Davis Bertans had gone in. Finally, incredible background with Germany as champion. And new job for Bianchi, who takes over the Virtus benches. “The fans loved Bianchi. “I am convinced that he is going to turn the team around, which is very strong,” said the president about the new coach. A new project that begins with the sudden dismissal of one of the best FIBA ​​basketball coaches, one who is still in charge of Spain but who, at the club level, is without a team.

2023-09-18 15:45:01
#Zanetti #Scariolo #met #Real #Madrid


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