The Clash in Porta Cappuccina: Conflicting Testimonies Unveil the Truth in Ongoing Trial

“We had only gone there for clarification, given that they had previously attacked a friend of ours in Piazza del Popolo, and it was they who started the fight by attacking us again.” “No, that’s not true, they came to the bar in Porta Cappuccina armed with baseball bats and they were the ones who damaged the place and started beating us first.” In the profound contradiction of the two testimonies there is the meaning of the trial underway before the Ascoli court which sees 12 people accused, including people from Ascoli and Santegidies, for the mega brawl that took place on 13 February 2018 in Porta Cappuccina, near the Vecchio bar Village in via Berardo Tucci. In the trial all 12 subjects are simultaneously accused and civil party. During the last hearing the judge heard two subjects, one belonging to one faction and one to the other and the reconstruction of the facts was diametrically opposed. It was the evening of Carnival Tuesday and while several patrons were present in the bar, a group of people suddenly showed up and devastated the place and hit some of those present, before fleeing. But they didn’t get far because one of the cars with which the commando arrived at Porta Cappuccina was damaged. The investigations that reached Sant’Egidio alla Vibrata started from the abandoned car.

It was from there that the group had set off for what was said to be a real raid in retaliation for an attack that one of the Abruzzese had suffered in the previous days, on Carnival Friday, in Piazza del Popolo in Ascoli. Once the owner of the car was identified, it was not difficult to trace the son who had used the car and his friends. Gradually many subjects were identified and 12 ended up on trial at the request of the Ascoli Prosecutor’s Office. In the ongoing trial, six people from Ascoli are civil parties who suffered injuries between 4 and 30 days. The police and carabinieri who intervened that day and then conducted the investigations have already been interviewed. Even the defendants from Abruzzo, who in turn accuse the people of Ascoli, have joined the civil action. The defense team of the Ascoli defendants includes lawyers Occhiochiuso, Angelozzi, Gionni and Paoletti.

p. erc.

2023-09-27 08:52:33
#Maxi #brawl #Porta #Cappuccina #testimonies #contradictions


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