The Basketball Bundesliga (BBL): On Track with Room for Improvement

For world champion coach Gordon Herbert, the Basketball Bundesliga (BBL) is on track in some areas, but has room for improvement. “If we talk about the infrastructure and the organizations, then for me it is number one in Europe, no doubt,” said the national coach Münchner Merkur/tz. “There’s still a long way to go in terms of sport, but I see them in the top five there too.”

Herbert is convinced that development will continue. “There are many very good coaches and outstanding managers,” said the Canadian.

Herbert is very pleased that FC Bayern has brought in the Spaniard Pablo Laso as head coach: “I’m really excited that he’s now working in the Bundesliga. People like him and Ibaka (Serge, Bayern newcomer from the NBA, editor) will be of great benefit to the league. That’s what makes them credible.”

There are reasons why no German club has ever managed to qualify for the EuroLeague Final Four – Munich narrowly failed twice.

“With this schedule you almost need two casts. “At Bavaria things are already going in this direction,” says Herbert, “and you have to fly charters; Berlin, for example, has flown a lot of scheduled flights. You lose a lot of time. I think that hurt them.”

2023-09-26 08:39:14
#Infrastructure #clubs #Herbert #praises #BBL


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