Successful Drug Dealing Operation in Santa Maria Capua Vetere: 85 Doses of Cocaine and Hashish Seized

Late yesterday evening and into the early hours of this morningthirty men belonging to the Company and the Carabinieri Station of Santa Maria Capua Vetere, in the province of Caserta, conducted antargeted operation against drug dealing in the buildings of the former IACP district, located in Via Raffaello of that locality. The operation was supported by the soldiers of the local Operations Section and by the canine units of the Sarno Carabinieri Unit.

During the checks, the Carabinieri identified some apartments whose occupants, having noticed their presence, threw bags containing numerous doses of cocaine out of the window. Furthermore, thanks to the nose of the drug-sniffing dog Max, belonging to the Sarno Carabinieri Dog Unit, further doses of cocaine were discovered on the stairs leading to the apartments, in the possession of the suspects. The searches led to the discovery and seizure of a total of 85 doses of cocaine and hashish, the latter sufficient for around fifty doses. Furthermore, 1,085 euros in cash were confiscated, divided into banknotes of different denominations, and a baseball bat.

Seven people were reported in a state of freedom and will have to answer to charges of possession for the purpose of dealing drugs. Among them is also a woman who, in addition to charges of drug possession, was also reported for possession of objects capable of offending, in reference to the baseball bat found in her possession. This operation demonstrates the efforts of the police in the fight against drug trafficking and the use of narcotic substances in the Santa Maria Capua Vetere area.

2023-09-08 10:12:24
#Santa #Maria #Capua #Vetere #antidrug #operation #Carabinieri #complaints #seizures #Iacp #district #Video


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