Sports Festival in Monserrato: A Weekend of Inclusive and Engaging Activities

Monserrato – Another packed weekend of sports in the city: basketball, volleyball, dance, figure skating, archery, medieval fencing, baseball, rugby, zumba, table tennis, five-a-side football, zumba, airsoft, rhythmic gymnastics, dog activities , muay thai can be practiced this evening in via dell’Argine from 5.30 pm to 8 pm. Mayor Tomaso Locci: “The precious collaboration of the Councilor for Youth Policies Fabiana Boscu has allowed the Sports Department, of which I hold the , the realization of this important event: 15 different sports disciplines presented to kids and anyone who wants to get involved or get back into the game. An opportunity to get to know unknown or unpractised disciplines: archery, dance, martial arts, five-a-side football and many others.

We thank the PGS, its President Andrea Nazzaro and all the sports associations that will take part in this inclusive and engaging event, aimed at bringing everyone closer to healthy sporting practice”.

“The Sports Festival” is not just a moment of knowledge and practice of the various disciplines but an opportunity to socialize and rediscover the values ​​linked to the game and group rules: widely sponsored and encouraged by municipalities and doctors, sport is increasingly used as a tool for physical and mental well-being.

2023-09-23 08:32:18
#weekend #basketball #zumba #fiveaside #football


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