Sporting Taekwondo Team Dominates International Rhineland-Palatinate Cup with 42 Athletes on the Podium

Win. Once again, the Sporting Taekwondo team led by coach Eugen Kiefer was recognized as by far the best club in Rhineland-Palatinate at the International Rhineland-Palatinate Cup in Bad Kreuznach with 42 athletes, all of whom were ultimately named on the podium among the best three athletes in their class .

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The athletes were supervised by Michael Ogloblinski, Max Morozov, Moritz Pauli, Kerstin Klinkau, Lounis Bechari, Amin Bechari and Rika Baulig.

The 42 medals consisted of 24 gold, 13 silver and 5 bronze. Coach Eugen Kiefer is extremely proud of his athletes, not only based on the result, but also on their tactical fighting behavior. – The results:

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1st place: Alina Schemkes, Amin Bechari, Emma Schleifenbaum, Luis Schulz, Maik Schulz, Noah Shady, Jan Wiedemann, Wladimir Sidorov, Aubin Tchaptchet, Seyma Turhan, Silas Anel-Fernandez, Maxim Becker, Nelli Bruch, Maxim Fertikov, Luna Nova Flaccus , Savelij Hermann, Jacob Ibrahim, Ronja Jungbluth, Noah Klassert, Samuel Lam, Seraphia Lam, Liam Lange, Felix Lenhart, Liam Leukel.

Platz 2: Fabian Kruppa, Aurelian Lam, Luy Leukel, Sabrina Poetzsch, Vecheslaw Stroich, Dayan Tchaptchet-Tchehou, Philip Tordeur, Elias Wagner, Nisa Turhan, Sang Do Duc, Antonio Umut, Max Bruch, Amin Bechari.

Platz 3: Alexej Savelev, Max Winkel, Maximilian Neumann, Maxim Bondar, Luca Huf.

Hannah Ulferts was a judge for the Taekwondo Union of Rhineland-Palatinate.

Information about training for ages 4 and up is available on 0160 94 59 47 97 or at


2023-09-29 10:47:30
#Sporting #Taekwondo #team #Bad #Kreuznach #gold #medals


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