Sport in the Square and Alba in Bici: A Day of Fun and Fitness in Alba

Piazza Medford and Piazza Sarti host, on Sunday 17 September 2023, “Sport in the square” and “Alba in Bici”, two historic events organized by the Municipality of Alba which come together for a day of sport and fun. From 10.00 to 13.00 and from 14.00 to 17.00 in special areas equipped and looked after by the various city associations, everyone can try their hand at various sports: fencing, martial arts, dance, skating, volleyball, athletics, basketball, rhythmic gymnastics, badminton, tennis , table tennis, cycling, cheerleading and many others.

At 3.30pm the Alba bike ride starts, with a fun route of around 10 kilometres, to be done in company along the streets of the city, passing through the San Cassiano district, the Moretta district and, on the way back, the Tanaro Park. To participate, all you need to do is arrive on a city bike or a mountain bike, equipped with a helmet. Forerunners of the procession are the Alba associations Fiab and Alba Bike Team, which accompany the participants along the circular route, with the return to Piazza Medford scheduled for approximately 5.00 pm. Upon arrival, a delicious snack for everyone.

Free registration for the event can be done on the same day, at the info point in Piazza Medford, or online on the website (Events section) by filling out the appropriate form and signing it upon delivery of the numbered bibs before departure. At the end of the day, two city bikes will be drawn at random from among the participants in both events.


Info point set up in Piazza Medford on the day of the event.


The dates of the event: Alba, 10am-1pm / 2pm-5pm
2023-09-08 13:33:19
#Alba #Sunday #September #sport #doubles #Alba #bici #Sport #piazza


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