Spanish Football Federation Dismisses George Life as National Coach

The Spanish Football Federation just communicated to George Life his dismissal as national coach. He has received the phone call where they have confirmed that his functions as sports director and as women’s national coach have ended, for which he still officially had one more year on his contract. This dismissal comes just 16 days after the hitherto coach was proclaimed World Champion in the final against England a Sidney.

From there, and because of what happened in the subsequent celebration, all the events that have led to what happened this Tuesday were unleashed. Especially as a result of the Assembly convened by Luis Rubiales on August 25 where he announced that he was not going to resign and with the subsequent statement from the 23 internationals that same afternoon where they announced that he would not return to the national team with the current leaders.

A day later, the coach himself issued a statement in which he recriminated the behavior of Luis Rubiales, both during the final and in the aforementioned Assembly. Statement that occurred hours after eleven members of his staff made their position available to the Federation.

Now the RFEF You have to look for a replacement that will have to be proposed by the interim president to the Board of Directors for approval. Something that should be imminent in view of the double commitment of the Women’s League of Nations, which is key to qualifying for the paris games. It will be on September 20 when the national team begins its journey by visiting Sweden, a recent rival in the World Cup semifinal and third in the world. Six days later they will receive Switzerland at home on the 26th.

He has achieved five titles as national coach

Five are the titles he has achieved Wild as coach, starting with the recent World Cup to which must be added three Euro Cups (two in the U17 and U19) and the Cyprus Women’s Cup. To this is added two sub-championships in Europe with the Sub17, a world sub17 bronze and a European sub17 bronze. Wild He arrived at the Federation where at first he coincided with his father Angel Vilda. It was in 2014 when he collected the legacy left to him by his father Ángel Wild when she was leaving the U19 women’s team, a position she had been holding in recent years since she joined the Federation structure in 2005. The father as responsible for the Sub 19 while his son, then in the SUB 17, picked up the baton. It was in 2015 when she assumed the senior team after the departure of Nacho Quereda

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2023-09-05 15:11:11
#RFEF #notifies #Jorge #Vilda #dismissal


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