Sorel-Tracy Marlins Fall Short in the LBSVF Final Against Granby Indians

(Stéphane Martin, September 25, 2023) – The Sorel-Tracy Marlins failed to win in the final series of the Vallée-des-Forts Senior Baseball League (LBSVF) opposing them to the Granby Indians .

They suffered a crushing 16-2 defeat last Friday in the 3rd game of the 3 of 5 series which led the Indians to the title of grand champions of the LBSVF 2023. “It’s a game to forget. They scored 12 runs in the 4th inning, including 2 grand slams. We knew we were facing a big baseball machine. They only had 3 defeats in the season and only one in the semi-final. Honestly, the first two games, we were in the game, but it didn’t work out in our favor. We are not disappointed with our performance against this experienced team,” comments Marlins player-coach Jean-Philippe Morin.

If they do not return with great honors, the Marlins still have the satisfaction of having thrilled the Sorel fans with this first participation in the LBSVF final in the club’s 13 years of existence.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve seen so many people in the stands. I hope it carries over to the next season. It’s nice to see Sorel-Tracy vibrating to the rhythm of baseball. Next year, we will make an additional marketing effort to bring more people into the stands. We saw it in Granby and Drummondville, there were a lot of spectators. We know that we have a great product and quality baseball to offer to fans,” concluded Jean-Philippe Morin.

The Marlins will return to the Stade René-St-Germain field in mid-May 2024 for a brand new season and new pages of history to write.

2023-09-25 20:03:20
#Marlins #swept #final


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