Silversides and whiting prior to a great season in San Blas

Con almost half a century of experience at the service of the activity, guiding and accompanying the fisherman, the Carranza family stands as one of the references forced to talk about a destiny like San Blas Bay, paradise located 900 kilometers from the Federal Capital, one of the most captivating fishing grounds for the canoeist.

We were chatting with Gustavo Carranza, who told us that They entered to test if the whiting had entered, They did it in the smallest boats they have, under the command of their son, Nicolas. They allow you to access with five to six fishermen and in your recent entries. they found good-sized whiting and a fairly even pike. When the tide turned many doublets. Also, mixed, they put cats.

There are great expectations for what is to come, with a September that will be positive and a strong fishing season, that is, the strongest period in quantity, variety and quality of pieces, what It will explode the first days of October, moment when whiting, catfish, elephant fish, stick fish, pomfret, dogfish, silverside and sole, start to bite in full. There, at that moment, the Carranza family Yamila lowers her emblematic boat into the water, a boat of 20 meters in length that allows us to fish very comfortably.

Another opportunity that they are taking advantage of at this time is the fishing of silverside in the estuary, excursions to the escardon that are very fruitful, fishing with a float modality, mainly with paternoster, with very good catches that present an average between 250 and 500 grams. The weather didn’t help in August, but in the last two outings there were interesting results.

Without a doubt, fishing in san blas es possible all year but always, as they say, The best is yet to come. September promises to be a month of transition with excellent pikes on board, and from October, the activity will be in full swing.


Carranza Fishing & Tourism: Tel. 02920-499258 – WhatsApp: 2920-327528. Facebook: Carranza Fishing Tourism.

2023-09-02 13:00:00
#Silversides #whiting #prior #great #season #San #Blas


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