Serie A on sale: here is “The Italian Dream”, the reality show that offers a place in the Primavera to Arab talents

And Alfieri ad Al-Fierih. Yes, because if any nostalgic people were missing a reality o talent show football-themed in Italy, from the now distant times of almost twenty years of “Champions, the dream“, here he is satisfied with “The Italian Dream”. The project is from Lega Soccerwhich on the occasion of the opening of the ad Abu Dhabi launched the initiative through its broadcaster in the Middle East and North Africa, Starzplay: three months of filming for six episodesyoung footballers from Morocco, Egypt but most of all United Arab Emirates e Arabia Saudi who will compete in elimination challenges to reach a Spring contract with a club of A league. “The series will not only highlight the kids’ football skills,” it reads, but also their stories sacrifice, effort e ambitions: after all, it’s still a television series, say you have Maradona and that’s it unfriendly What do you do to the public, do you send it forward?

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They have passed 20 years on the other hand from “Campioni”, and if at the time the target was the Excellencethe Italian province with the homemade anger of Ciccio GrazianiMagrini’s Romagna accent and loud, gialappesque characters like Alfieri o Gullotoday we need something else… in particular money. And in fact he said it ServantCEO of Lega Serie A: “The Italian Dream will allow us to strengthen the daily bond between Serie A and football fans in this area of ​​the world where over 50% of the public he is under 30 years old.” And considering that if once with i Maradonai Baldi Ronaldo (the phenomenon), i Van Basten oi Roberto Baggio there were no problems of desirability, today when that public of “under 30” probably doesn’t even know a Serie A footballer it is necessary run for cover. Instead of producing champions, in a sporting sense, Champions are (re)produced television sauce e arabeggiantetaking some Holly Hutton who wants to go to Brazil with Roberto, a little Big Brother perhaps with the public deciding to “freeze” the opponent in a challenge and a bit of the old reality show hosted by Ilaria D’Amico. And if Gullo boasted of having marked Del Piero, who knows what will happen here.

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From Del Piero to Tottipresent in Abu Dhabi at the launch of the initiative: “Thanks to ‘The Italian Dream’ we will be able to follow the stories of a group of talented players who rightly see the Italian championship as ideal for starting their career of professionals. My most goes to them warm wishes successful”…what else could he say? And so, after a summer spent in sermons against i Arab money and on how to put a limit on the excessive power of Pif Fundin perfect Italian style autumn opens with a project by dubious taste which has the obvious objective of earn a little from that same money previously demonized. As? Leveraging another topic covered by the pontification Italian football player: i young. Yes, at a time when Italy does not qualify for twice ai world and is repeated like a mantra that they go young people are valuedthey must be done investments on nurseries, we need to give more space to Primaverahere is the reality show that aims to find young talents in Morocco, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia.

Obviously nothing to say about it validity of young footballers from those countries: just remember that he supported precisely the Morocco at the last World Cup, but maybe that’s one thing private scouting of the clubanother a project from the Lega Serie A…which also arrives at the moment in which semi-final ai World Cup Morocco is going there, not Italy. In short, to stay at “Champions”, this initiative is a bit reminiscent of the Ciccio Graziani who a minute earlier says “We want to be appreciated not only for being good but also for being a little educational”…and a minute later he threatened “un punch that made you 10 centimeters lower”… but Ciccio is Ciccio.

2023-09-23 18:04:56
#Serie #sale #Italian #Dream #reality #show #offers #place #Primavera #Arab #talents


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