Sarri with the doubts Immobile and Zaccagni. Pioli finds Giroud and Leao again

Finished the morning finishing of the Lazio in optics Milan. Yesterday afternoon’s training paved the way for the tactical tests for the match against the Rossoneri, a decisive match which on the road is an even worse taboo than Torino per Sarri since he arrived in the capital. Yesterday the coach wanted to involve the owners in the tactics to allow some to manage a little today. Precisely for this reason they did not see each other in groups either Marusicin the field only for differentiated work with the Fonte trainer, nor Immobile and neither Zaccagnithe latter two only engaged in the gym.


Nice, the player Beka Beka threatens suicide from a bridge due to a sentimental disappointment

Lazio, Sarri’s probable choices for Milan

Despite this, all three are expected to be available San Siro. The rest of the companions, however, included Romagnoli complete with a protective mask on their faces after the compound fracture of the nasal bones, this morning they carried out the classic finishing session. Based on what we saw at Formellobetween the posts of Sarri’s 4-3-3 at the Meazza there will be the usual one Provedel. In defense, on the right Marusic will try to grit his teeth, with Hysaj who is eager to return to the left and Casale who, barring surprises, will still share the center with Romagnoli. In the middle of the field it is certainty as usual Luis Albertowhich this time however could find both Kamada That Cataldi. At the front, always ailments permitting, the trident is expected Felipe Anderson, Immobile and exactly Zaccagni.

Milan, Pioli also finds Maignan again from the 1st minute

For his part, the Milan will want to continue the head-to-head with theInter in first place and to do so he will find several valuable pieces from the 1st minute, above all Maignan between the posts. The doubt remains open on the right wing between Calabria e Florenziwhile the rest of the defense will be made up of Thiaw, Tomori e Theo Hernandez. In midfield Judicial is ahead on Moses for the control room, while on its sides there are Loftus-Cheek e Reijnders. Finally they will return to the front as starters Giroud e Lion to complete the trident with Pulisic.

Probable lineups:

Milan (4-3-3): Maignan; Calabria, Thiaw, Tomori, Theo Hernandez; Reijnders, Adli, Loftus-Cheek; Pulisic, Giroud, Leao. All.: Pegs.
Unavailable: Bennacer, Krunic, Kalulu, Caldara.
Be wary: –
Disqualified: –

Lazio (4-3-3): Provedel; Marusic, Casale, Romagnoli, Hysaj; Kamada, Cataldi, Luis Alberto; Felipe Anderson, Immobile, Zaccagni. All.: Sarri.
Unavailable: –
Be wary: –
Disqualified: –

1970-01-01 00:00:00
#Sarri #doubts #Immobile #Zaccagni #Pioli #finds #Giroud #Leao


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