Samsung Life Insurance Hosts 2023 Badminton Festival to Promote Sports and Donate to Aspiring Players

Participants are competing their skills at the ‘2023 Badminton Festival’ held by Samsung Life Insurance at Namdong Gymnasium in Incheon from the 16th to the 17th. Photo Samsung Life Insurance

Samsung Life Insurance announced that it held the ‘2023 Samsung Life Insurance Badminton Festival’ at Namdong Gymnasium in Incheon on the 16th and 17th to expand the base of badminton and revitalize daily sports. A total of 1,700 teams and 3,400 people participated in this competition, which was divided into men’s doubles, women’s doubles, and mixed doubles by level. A separate ‘family’ event was run in which family members, including father and son, mothers and daughters, formed teams and participated to add to the festive atmosphere.

After the Samsung Life Insurance players played an exhibition game, they formed a team with other participants and competed against each other. Samsung Life Insurance decided to donate supplies to aspiring badminton players by calculating a donation of 10,000 won per participant.

Jeon Young-mook, CEO of Samsung Life Insurance, said, “I hope that this badminton festival will be an opportunity for sports enthusiasts to unite and have fun with each other.” He added, “As the public’s interest in badminton has increased, it will provide strength to the national badminton players preparing for the Asian Games.” “I hope this happens,” he said.

Reporter Kim Gyeong-hee [email protected]

2023-09-17 04:50:07
#Samsung #Life #Insurance #holds #badminton #festival #revitalize #daily #sports


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