Sainz the first to replace Red Bull – Start it, for God’s sake!

The night of Singapore has left us aa slow, tactical race and as such boring. Only in the last laps have things tightened up a bit and brought some excitement to a grand prix that has shown us what would happen if Red Bull wasn’t on the grid. And what would happen is that up to three teams, possibly four if Fernando Alonso had had his day, would fight every weekend for victory. And the podium shows it, Carlos with Ferrari first, followed by Norris’ MacLaren and Lewis Hamilton’s Mercedes.

After almost a year, Red Bull has not won a race and a Spanish driver Carlos Sainz has done so insteada tactical man who, with cold and slow driving, has taken the race to where it suited Ferrari and himself. Management, management and more management instead of speed and full throttle has been the key for Carlos Sainz’s second victory in Formula 1, which came before Alonso’s expected thirty-three. The Ferrari driver seems to have changed his luck and his place in Ferrari, now it is Leclerc who has to suffer with risky strategies or failed stops that continue to weigh too heavily on the Prancing Horse team.

Track departures, first by Sargeant on lap twenty and by Ocon on lap forty-three, allowed the cars to manage the stops and leave things without much variation. Only Red Bull at the first stop, extending it and Mercedes later, making two stops instead of one like Ferrari, They challenged the script of a static raceexcessively strategic and without too many battles.

And if Carlos has been the face of a brilliant cointhe cruz this Sunday It has been for Alonso. The car was not as competitive as expected but the five-second penalty, the failure to stop during the virtual safety car and even a braking pass left Alonso far from the points and with a bitter taste in a circuit where the one who has lost a golden opportunity to meet his objectives considering that Red Bull was missing.

The Toro team despite everything, with Verstappen in fifth positionthey were able to hold on, score points and hope that the limitations that the FIA ​​has imposed on the flexibility of the wings do not jeopardize a World Cup that they have more than assured.

Let’s stay with the fact that it was a Spaniard who managed to break Max Verstappen’s streak of ten consecutive victories, and although no one was betting on them, it was a Ferrari who ended up taking advantage of Red Bull’s specific weakness to achieve a victory that It quite compensates for a season of lights and shadows.

2023-09-17 14:26:48
#Sainz #replace #Red #Bull #Start #Gods #sake


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