Rome’s Rising Judo Star, Cristiano Mincinesi, Takes Silver in World Championships

From the eastern suburbs of Rome to the top judo world leaders: Cristiano Mincinesi, born in 2006 and a citizen of Villa Gordiani, is runner-up in the 90-kilo category world after winning the silver medal at the cadet championships held in Zagreb at the end of August.

Mincinesi, already vice-champion of Europe, was stopped in the Croatian world championship by the same opponent who in the previous continental tournament had precluded him from the gold, namely the Ukrainian Nikita Yudanov, the true bete noire of the little blue champion in force at the historic Judo Preneste gym of the Pigneto.


“Yudanov, who I also faced in the final of the European Championships two months ago, is very strong physically and has a very uncomfortable guard – says Mincinesi with a touch of regret -.

I faced the match at the top of my strength and ability and with a great desire to win, but unfortunately he had the upper hand, even if the Ukrainian had difficulty maintaining the advantage he had acquired in the middle of the match. However, I’m not discouraged: I’ll work on my mistakes to get the better of it in the next rounds”.

The new hope of Italian judo, which incidentally also won the national title in the under 18 and under 21 categories, therefore has no regrets for having arrived a whisker away from the world summit, also in consideration of the painstaking preparation that preceded his performance in Zagreb. “I was followed by the masters of my gym Mauro d’Angelo and Nicola Ripandelli, who took care of the technical part, as well as having carried out intense athletic training with Davide Ripandelli first and then with Maria Centracchio – adds the judoka from Prenestino – . A large part of the work was also done with Elio Verde who has been following me for some time, and with whom I managed a good part of my training aimed at the world championship through numerous internships around Europe”.

After his numerous victories, Cristiano has become a familiar face in the neighborhood where he lives: surrounded by the affection of the inhabitants of Prenestino and Torpignattara, the places where he usually moves between home and the gym, the young blue judoka promises to commit himself to maximum to become an established champion, also bringing to the tatami the pride of being a citizen of the east quadrant of the capital. “I was born and lived in the suburbs of Rome, more precisely in the popular district of Villa Gordiani, and I have established personal relationships with many people who live in this area and its surroundings – Cristiano Mincinesi continues -. I feel very comfortable here and I’m proud of the results I’ve achieved, even for this part of Rome: every time I go home with a medal, the people in my area say to me: ‘keep the name of the neighborhood up!’, giving me the full of energy to keep working hard and, who knows, to arrive one day on the top step of the international judo podium”.

2023-09-05 16:48:59
#cadet #world #vicechampion


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