Roger Grimau: The New Coach of FC Barcelona Basketball and His Vision for the Team

On June 26, Barça announced that Sarunas Jasikevicius was leaving the Barça bench and shortly after announced that Roger Grimau (Barcelona, ​​07/14/1978) was his replacement. The Barça captain from the last Euroleague makes his debut in one of Europe’s greats with no experience (he had), but with the desire to show that he is prepared to take the reins of Barça.

How do you see the team after the preseason? Ready to start the ACB?

I see it well, but it is true that we have only been able to do normal preseason training, even though it is already the season, all together. I’m happy with how we’re working. In terms of results, no… Losing against Real Madrid in the Super Cup makes me sad because we couldn’t win and play in the final. But it also has to be put in context. We are building the team. Despite the automatisms of last season, my way of playing is new. Also for signings. We try to make the process as quick as possible.

They have a tough start: Joventut, Madrid, Efes… Maybe it’s not the best for a renewed team?

It is not the kindest calendar we could have had, but it is what it is and we have to go for it.

Were you surprised that they opted for you as first team coach?

I always tried to be prepared and work in case one day the proposal came. I thought it would be very difficult and complicated for it to arrive, but I tried to be very prepared in case it arrived and it was clear that I could catch it.

Roger Griamu, on the day of his presentation. Gorka Leiza

Was it a medium or long-term goal?

I don’t like to think too much about the future. I was very happy working in youth basketball, I think we were doing a very good job. It didn’t mark me beyond the next training session or the next game. I didn’t even think about the entire season. But at the same time there was always a murmur inside me that told me that yes, I wanted to go upwards. But it wasn’t a main goal in my life.

Is coming from the base an advantage?

I think it is a giant learning school, where I have grown a lot as a coach. I am very satisfied and very happy with the path I have taken.

Do you feel more excitement than pressure?

I feel very excited, very happy to be here but also obviously a lot of pressure. But it is what I impose on myself. No matter how much pressure comes from outside, it will not be greater than what I impose on myself. Like I did last year.

What goals do you have on a personal level?

I’m thinking about training tomorrow. Everything that comes with being Barça coach is so brutal that I don’t have time to think about a month, six months or a year ahead. I’m thinking about what I’ll do in the next training session, what to improve, what to do against the next opponent… There is such a volume of things. I am a person who is for one thing and that’s it. I know people who are capable of being here and doing six other things. But not me, I even have difficulty knowing what I will eat today (laughs).

What it means to be the coach of Barça is so brutal that I don’t have time to think beyond tomorrow.”

Roger Grimau

Is fourteen seasons too many without winning the Euroleague for a club like Barça?

We would like to have won more. I no longer speak as a coach, but as a culé. We would have liked to have more. In our history, different teams, circumstances, things have happened… We should have something more.

Is the Euroleague still the entity’s main objective?

Barça’s goal since I stepped foot in this club as a player, even as I experienced it as a child or fan, is always to compete. It’s always winning. That is so, of course. The issue is how we are going to compete. From the obligation, from the enthusiasm, the desire, the pressure… Each one has to manage that in their own way.

Do you have the feeling that the Euroleague is becoming more powerful? Is it increasingly difficult to win?

Yes. I have the vision from the outside but I saw that in recent years it is a very tough league. Every day there are four or five top games. Every day! You must also add that the Endesa League does not allow you to rest, as happens in other countries. Here you are always demanded, if you are not good, you lose.

With the change on the bench is there a paradigm shift in the team?

I am not a surprise to the people who have signed me because they know me and have seen me work. I have my way, not of being a coach, but of being a person. And that’s how I am as a coach. I believe a lot in this way of doing things, I am very convinced. From here you have to create the best possible team to compete to the maximum.

Your players agree that with you in charge they have more freedom on the court…

I am like that. I like to be very organized and have very clear structures. Let things follow my philosophy. But within these structures to be able to give a point, I don’t like to say freedom… but rather for the players to express their talent. Everyone on the squad is very good. My idea is to organize them so that they can bring out that talent. It’s a slow-burn way of doing more, which takes a little longer, but which I’m convinced of and which I want to play with.

“I like that players can express their talent on the court”

Roger Grimau

In addition to winning, Barça football is required to play well. Basketball too?

There are certain differences. Soccer is different. I understand the parallel and yes, people at the Palau like good basketball, having fun and above all they like to win. One thing is linked to the other. If you play good basketball you will win more.

In this beginning they have conceded quite a few points against. Is it something that worries you?

It worries me. I also put it within the context that there is. We know little about each other and we are learning the defensive mechanisms. It is also true that we want to play faster and with more possessions… but it is a point that must be improved. I trust that spending time together will improve. I was used to preseasons as a player, which were long, these are very short.

Darío Brizuela with his new coach at Barcelona, ​​Roger Grimau.

We know Willy, Parra and Brizuela. What can we expect from Jabari Parker? How does he see it?

I see him well, adapting. He has had to change country, continent, culture, meet new teammates, a different way of playing than the NBA… He is taking little steps to adapt. The process is a little slower because I haven’t competed for a while. He is a person with a lot of interest, who listens to you a lot and who tries to improve every day. We are very confident that he will improve quickly.

Is the template closed?

Right now it is closed but as Barça we have to be aware of whether there is any opportunity to improve the team. I am happy with the template and today it is closed.

“Today the squad is closed, but we are Barça…”

Roger Grimau

You will meet Real Madrid many times this season… How do you see them?

I see them well, they have been together for a long time. The only signing is Campazzo, who can be said to be one more, it is as if he had never left. They are a great team. The great rival, but we are also a very good team that will be very difficult to beat. We will compete to the maximum.

2023-09-22 03:03:20
#Grimau #Euroleague


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