Roger Federer Reveals Life After Tennis: Keeping Fit and Kids’ Tennis Academies

Roger Federer with his twin boys Leo and Lenny at Wimbledon in 2018.


In an interview, Roger Federer talks about his time after tennis. The 20-time Grand Slam winner reveals how he keeps fit now and which academies his kids go to to learn to play tennis.

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Roger Federer gave an insight into his time after tennis in an interview with the Wall Street Journal. The Basel native revealed, among other things, that his children love playing tennis. He himself spends a lot of time in the gym – and is taking on a new challenge.

Roger Federer gave an interview to the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) about his life after his career. He also talks about his children, who are already playing tennis diligently: “All four children love it,” reveals Federer, who explains, however: “The girls didn’t like it at the beginning, but the better they got, the more fun they had it .»

The twins Charlene and Myla are now 14 years old and most recently attended ex-professional John McEnroe’s tennis academy in East Hampton, New York. The nine-year-old twins Leo and Lenny ended up less far away, but at a no less renowned academy: “The boys were in Mallorca in the Nadal camp for a few days,” said Federer.

Federer was the guest of honor at the opening of Rafael Nadal’s camp in 2016. At that time he joked: “I now know where I will send my children if they want to learn to play tennis.” Seven years later it actually happened.

Lessons with Papa Roger

The children don’t just learn to play tennis at Nadal’s or McEnroe’s academy, but also from Papa Maestro himself: “When I have time – and I try to take the time – I go on the court with them and try to “To teach them something,” said Federer, who ended his active career in autumn 2022. On the court, his children see him less as a former player and more simply as a father: “It’s an interesting dynamic,” says the 42-year-old.

The 20-time Grand Slam winner reveals that he rarely goes to the tennis court himself except with his children: “As a former player, it is very difficult to reserve a place and find someone who will play with you you stay there.” In order to stay fit, he now goes to the gym more often – but because of the still damaged knee, endurance training is hardly possible. He mainly lifts weights and does stabilization exercises, says Federer. To do this, he was looking for a new challenge: “I would like to try out the challenge of doing 300 push-ups every day for a month.”

Despite his fitness program, Federer has also changed his diet a little. “If you don’t move around so much anymore, you have to be careful not to eat so much. That’s why I skip breakfast.”

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2023-09-14 09:08:14
#tennis #stars #Federer #boys #Rafa #Nadals #training #camp


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