Regensburg’s Morale and Quality Shines in Game 4 Against Heidenheim, but Falls Short

Regensburg also shows a lot of morale and quality in game 4 of the semi-final series against southern champion Heidenheim. A few wobbles too many make the decision in the end.

There are few sports, and probably few constellations in life in general, where joy and suffering, success and failure, hope and disappointment are as closely related as in baseball. It’s not the two sides of the coin, it’s all on the same side – it just depends on the angle from which the light shines on the coin.

Unfortunately, this light comes much more often from the side of suffering, disappointment is a constant companion. For players as well as for coaches or fans. As Yankees legend Derek Jeter wrote in his book, “Baseball is a game that involves failure.” At the same time, baseball is also a game of hope. There is a chance to turn the whole game around again until the last ball. Even as a team that is supposedly clearly behind. All of this accounts for a large part of the fascination of this sport.

Start mit Schmidt-Triple

Seen in this way, the semi-final series of the Guggenberger Legionnaires against the Heidenheimer Heideköpfe was baseball in its purest form. Strictly speaking, this also applies to game 4 in the Armin-Wolf-Arena, which was decisive in the end. It all started with joy for the people of Regensburg, delivered initially with a treble by Alex Schmidt.

The action alone was a kind of mini-demo of baseball. There were a few centimeters between national player Schmidt’s joy about his class hit including a visit to base 3 and frustration that Heidenheim outfielder Shawn Larry caught the thing. Larry missed the ball, Alex Schmidt gave the Legionnaires the lead a little later after a shot by Devon Ramirez. And nurtured the hope that Regensburg could still manage to turn the deficit in the semi-final series.

Redle run to equalize

It fits into the dramaturgy that in the third inning, of all people, Kilian Redle, who was an ex-legionnaire at the Regensburg Academy until this summer, equalized the game. It suits baseball that a little later there was very little left of hope in Regensburg.

Simon Guhring opened the drama called fourth inning with a single. Immediately afterwards, the long-time captain of the national team, who only recently resigned, showed with a steal that he still has fast legs. After Walk and Sacrifice Bunt, there was suddenly a Heidenheimer on every base.

Half Innings of Horror

Martin Helmig reacted and took Christian Pedrol off the mound. Pedrol had played solid to well, but this time he lacked the dominance of his last appearances. Joe Cedano de Leon, recently nominated for the European Championship, took over. Two walks and a sacrifice fly later, his performance was over. Baseball is a game of failure and can be very brutal at times.

Jan Tomek, Czech international and active at his home European Championship at the end of September, should keep the damage within limits. I almost succeeded in doing that. Another Heidenheimer made it over the home base, then the Guggenberger Legionnaires had completed the half-inning of horror.

Quiet hope after Dinski home run

But the heath heads wanted more, the pitching of the legionnaires remained a little shaky. As a result, there was a 9-1 lead for Heidenheim halfway through the next inning. But in baseball, it’s only over when it’s really over. David Dinski spoke up for the legionnaires with a 2-run home run, Regensburg shortened.

Kilian Redle with his fourth run and Shawn Larry with his next homer in the series trampled the tender seed of hope very quickly and quite mercilessly. At 12:3, the Heideköpfe were clearly ahead again. The door to the final finally seemed closed for Regensburg.

Regensburg Rally in the final inning

But similar to a week ago, the heath heads initially failed to actually close. Similar to a week ago, Heidenheim’s general manager Eckle made sure that the door should open a crack again with a pitcher change. Against Sven Schüller, like Redle in Regensburg uniform last season, the Legionnaires offensive found their game again. Single by all-time leader Vance, triple by von Garßen – point by Vance. Single by Schmidt, scored by Garßen. Singles by Grimes and Ramirez, Schmidt takes the run. Wild pitch from Schüller, Ramirez scores. Single harms, Grimes scores.

A rally that suddenly brought Regensburg close to Heidenheim again in the last inning. A small piece of legionnaire’s foot was once again in the final door. The fact that it didn’t happen anymore is due to another ex-Regensburg resident. Mike Bolsenbroek took over from Schüller after his negative run. Rather humorlessly, Bolsenbroek slammed the door again and turned the key. The game and with it the emotionally charged semi-final series in every respect was decided.

Germany Cup instead of the final

Although the dream of the final is over for the legionnaires, the season is not over yet. The German Cup continues in Hamburg on Saturday and Sunday. The Stealers will do everything they can to take revenge for the quarterfinal loss in the playoffs.

2023-09-03 21:02:57
#door #final #remains #closed #legionnaires #Guggenberger #Legionnaires #Regensburg


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