Rediscover the Splendor: Highlights of the 38th Edition of the Fêtes du Roi de l’Oiseau

After three limited editions due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the time when it was necessary to tighten the belt around the perimeter of the Fêtes du Roi de l’Oiseau is over. The 38th edition, placed under the theme of Leonardo da Vinci, regains all its splendor with a few new features.

In terms of figures, the biggest Renaissance festival in Europe brings together in Le Puy “15 music groups, 15 theater companies, for a total of 350 professionals, including artists, technicians and exhibitors from the Grand Marché Renaissance, as well as 500 people for the parade”, detailed Jean-Louis Roqueplan, artistic director of the Fêtes du Roi de l’Oiseau.
The public will find the camps at their usual location. The city will be animated by twenty street performances and acrobats. On the programming side, about ten highlights are planned with some changes. A free concert will be given Thursday evening at the Henri-Vinay garden. The Les Gras Jamon group turns the world of Renaissance music upside down with powerful rhythms and a lot of ardor on festive melodies. On the other hand, “given the influx of wrestlers, shepherdesses and their supporters, the Vellave struggle was no longer manageable in the town squares”. The event is entering the Grande lice (place du Breuil) “to accommodate as many people as possible”, but there is a charge for admission, specifies President Gérard Langrené. This mecca for shows is equipped with a giant screen to broadcast the archery contest, the flag throwers and the Vellave struggle.

Nearly 3,000 schoolchildren are expected to dive into the heart of history “thanks to an original fun and educational approach and workshops set up in the camps”.
Each year, the Fêtes du Roi de l’Oiseau attract more and more young people. Various preventive actions will be implemented with France addictions, the national association for the prevention of alcoholism and addictology, but also with the association Vivre et conduct “so that young people can enjoy the party without suffering any negative consequences”.
The biggest event in the city of Le Puy “is a moment of communion between everyone as we no longer know many”, underlined the mayor of Puy-en-Velay, Michel Chapuis.
So that everyone participates with complete peace of mind, on this occasion the Tudip public transport service will be free.

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The official plan-programme of the Fêtes du Roi de l’Oiseau is on sale at the Le Puy tourist office for €4. The medal, sold for €12, gives free access to the large Renaissance market, in addition to the program plan.

Opening ceremony (free)

Wednesday at 7.30 p.m. Place du Marché Couvert. The representatives of all those involved in the Festivals will first meet at 7 p.m. at the foot of the cathedral to go in a procession to the Covered Market where the official opening ceremony of the 38th edition will take place. They will pay homage to the historical target “bird” of the archery competition which brings together the whole city for 5 days of jubilation.

Les Gras hams concert (paying)

Thursday at 9 p.m. (€7). Henri Vinay garden. Le Roi de l’Oiseau invites a group of today to open, in its own way, the doors of our past. Thus, you will be able to applaud the musicians of Gras Jambons in amplified concert on the ball area of ​​the Henri-Vinay garden. Without warning, they turn the universe of medieval music upside down in their own way and infuse it with passion, humor and a very personal ardour. Powerful rhythms, festive melodies, it is with enthusiasm and generosity that this group from Toulouse will ignite the crowds with their music overflowing with vitality. Ticket office:

Renaissance balls (paying)

Friday and Saturday at 10 p.m. (€7 per ball). Henri Vinay garden. Animated by all the Waraok groups, the Carité de Guingamor and the Petite Flambe, the great balls of the Verveine du Velay, on Friday, and the Lentille on Saturday, will give everyone the opportunity to rediscover their dancing talents thanks to the wise advice from the dance master, Sieur Sauret. Ticket office on site.

Fashion show: Dress show (free)

Saturday at 3.30 p.m. Covered Market Square. Dressed in their finest finery, noble ladies and handsome gentlemen, bourgeois, soldiers, craftsmen and common people will take you into the shimmering century of the Renaissance with their incredible attire. The opportunity to admire the most beautiful costumes worn by the actors of the festivals in their roles and conditions, during a Mostra – a Renaissance fashion show – which will allow you to learn a little more about the specificities of dress from the beginning of the Sixteenth century.

Children’s Day (free)

Saturday at 11 a.m. Covered Market Square. Promise for the future and first steps of the succession, the children of the camps born in the year and those aged 7 harvests will be welcomed by the whole population in jubilation for a ceremony where water, light and nature will become the guarantors of the bright future of each child hero of the day.

Bird King contest (paying)

Saturday from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. (2 €). Place du Breuil In the past, the custom was to shoot down with an arrow a rag bird called Papegai (parrot in Occitan). In 1524, the archers and arquebusiers of Puy-en-Velay, were authorized to shoot the bird in order to divert their young members from “lubricity and taverns”. The winner was then proclaimed King for a year and thus gained many rights such as the bearing of the sword, the command of men and tax exemption.
The competition takes place in three stages. Playoffs take place from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Bows and arrows are provided by the Association du Roi de l’Oiseau. The call for finalists will begin at 6 p.m.

Saturday 7:30 p.m. (€10). Place du Breuil (Faced with the crowds, it is advisable to book with the tourist office on The grand finale of the competition and the Coronation of the King will be broadcast live on the big screen in the large allow everyone to enjoy it despite the large number of spectators. The coronation of the new King will be accompanied by a ballet of the Bird by the dancers of Pavanes and Capriols and the performance of the Spanish flag throwers of the Colla Jove. Ticket office:

The keys to the custody of the Isles (free)

Sunday at 11 a.m. Covered Market Square. At the call of the name of their islands, the eight island captains will come forward to receive from the hands of the Seneschal of the States of Velay, the key to the symbolic door of the city that they will be responsible for defending throughout the period. ‘year. Behind them, all the islanders and their standard bearers will parade to the consular hotel on the Place du Martouret, where the consuls invite them, as well as the holiday associations, to share the goblet of the friendship.

The grand closing parade (free)

Sunday at 4 p.m. Cathedral steps. Exceptional parade of thousands of costumes and dozens of groups of acrobats which will end at the end of the afternoon at the top of the boulevard du Breuil.

2023-09-04 13:36:00
#Discover #novelties #highlights #Roi #lOiseau #September


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