Prosecutor of Morelos promotes amparo against forced disappearance and solitary confinement – El Sol de México

The defense of Uriel “N”, prosecutor of Morelos, promoted an amparo trial against acts of forced disappearance and incommunicado detention, after he was detained for the second time by the Attorney General’s Office of Mexico City (FGJCDMX), now for the crime of concealment for favor in the femicide of Ariadna Fernanda.

According to official information, the amparo was admitted for processing and the provisional suspension was granted in the event that these acts are registered against the still head of the Morelos State Attorney General’s Office (FGE).

It might interest you: Prosecutor of Morelos will remain in the South Prison

In recent days, the Tenth Collegiate Court of the First District granted another amparo promoted by the Morelos prosecutor against the crimes of procurement and administration of justice.

With this resource, he managed to leave the South Prison, but almost immediately the agents of the Criminal Investigation Police (PDI) of the capital agency arrived again for him and completed a new arrest warrant regarding the case of the 27-year-old girl. .

Previously, the defense of the prosecutor who described his detention as a political kidnapping, promoted an amparo on August 4 when he was arrested for the first time at his home in Cuernavaca, Morelos. During the early hours of the morning, the federal judge granted him the suspension, but since there were faits accomplis, this was inadmissible.

This Monday, September 4, Uriel served a month in prison in the South Prison of the country’s capital, after the control judge on Saturday, September 2, ordered him a precautionary measure of preventive detention, considering that the risk of flight is quite high. considerable.

Next Wednesday, September 6 at 5:00 p.m., the Morelos prosecutor will appear again before the Mexico City court to define his legal situation.

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Now, federal justice grants him the third amparo in this month of imprisonment in the country’s capital, first accused of delaying justice and now of cover-up.

Originally published in El Sol de Cuernavaca

2023-09-05 03:49:58
#Prosecutor #Morelos #promotes #amparo #forced #disappearance #solitary #confinement #Sol #México


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