Prime Minister Kishida Faces Controversy Over Political Funds: Calls for Tax Increase Raise Eyebrows

Prime Minister Kishida grimaced when he appeared at the Liberal Democratic Party headquarters on the 13th (Photo by Arata Hasegawa)

“Now we can finally ask the people for a tax increase.” I can almost hear some voices exclaiming in amazement.

“The Liberal Democratic Party Hiroshima Prefecture 1st Constituent District Branch, which Prime Minister Kishida represents, did not record a 100,000 yen donation from the Liberal Democratic Party Judo Therapists Federation Branch in its political funds balance report in 2021.

In addition, we found a total of nine cases in which the date on which he received a donation of 5 million yen from his own political party branch and the date on which 6.5 million yen was exchanged between his supporter’s association and a fund management organization were incorrect.” (Politics) Reporter in charge)

In 2022, the Prime Minister was found to have blank spaces and incorrect entries on receipts for political funds and campaign expenses for 2021, but at that time he avoided prosecution, saying “Although there were deficiencies, the expenditures were appropriate.” Ta.

In addition, a fund management organization represented by Ayuko Kato, Minister of State for Children’s Policy in the current Cabinet, has recorded political fund party ticket fees that exceed the legal limit in the 2021 political fund balance report, stating that “things that should be treated as donations should be treated as donations.” “I recorded it as party ticket income,” he apologized.

It has also been revealed that Sanae Takaichi, Minister of State for Economic Security, Koichi Hagiuda, Chairman of the Policy Research Council, Yuko Obuchi, Chair of the Campaign Committee, and others are in violation of the Public Offices Election Act, which prohibits donations from contractors undertaking national projects during national elections. There is.

Employees of accounting departments at private companies also vent their anger on this magazine.

“If it were us, we wouldn’t be able to forgive it.The person in charge of accounting would be subject to punishment.Furthermore, the invoice system will start from October. We are calling for stricter accounting of tax amounts and other matters.However, politicians can simply say, “I made a mistake.I will correct it.”It’s a flower garden.”

There are also many angry voices online.


“Don’t dismiss it as a mistake, because in the private sector, mistakes like this are treated as tax evasion.”

《If the general public makes a mistake in filing their tax return, additional tax will be added to the additional tax. Politicians can be blamed as long as they make corrections.

《If you make a mistake in change by one yen when doing business with a customer, you will get into trouble with the customer.》

However, it seems that what Prime Minister Kishida is concerned about is not those voices, but that nickname. Officials from the Prime Minister’s Office speak.

“The media has been talking about “tax increase glasses,” but the prime minister himself has finally begun to take note of that nickname.With dissolution in mind, it would be fatal for the administration to have an image of tax increases ahead of them.
Therefore, the word tax reduction is used a lot, but the reports that focus on “tax increase glasses” are not going away. The prime minister said, “Should I just do LASIK? ‘I’m angry. We whisper to each other, “It would be nice if we could see reality,” but…”

If they listened to the voices of the people and conducted politics that benefited the people, no one would say that they were trying to raise taxes…

( SmartFLASH

2023-09-29 07:46:11
#Prime #Minister #Kishida #angry #called #tax #increase #glasses…People #vent #anger #error #income #expenditure #report #Smart #FLASH光文社週刊誌


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