Pogba, what happens now? Juventus can already suspend the contract

“The Company reserves the right to evaluate the next steps procedural“. This is the most important passage of the press release released by Juventus after the news of positivity Of Paul Pogba at the anti-doping control carried out last August 20th in Udine. The midfielder has already been suspended as a precautionary measure by the Anti-Doping Tribunal and therefore, based on the collective agreement signed by the FIGC, the League and the players’ associations, the club could already decide to suspend his contract. That is, saving yourself a heavy salary, from 8 million euros plus 2 million in net bonuses per year (until 2026). Almost certainly, however, Juventus will at least wait for the outcome of the matches counteranalysis and a possible confirmation of positivity before making a decision on the matter. From that moment, Pogba’s future will open up different scenarios.

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In the worst case scenario, the Frenchman risks a 4-year disqualification based on the Nado Italia Anti-Doping Sports Code. But there is also the latest precedent which dates back to last year and concerns the Atalanta player Jose Luis Palominofound positive for Clostebol Metabolite, an anabolic steroid derived from testosterone, suspended for 4 months and subsequently acquitted for ‘accidental contamination‘. If the counter-analyses confirm the positivity to the metabolites of testosteronePogba will be able to opt for a plea bargain or probably go to trial before the Anti-Doping Tribunal.

Pogba and Juventus will then have to establish an agreement line defensive, common or parallel. Even if the club has already made clear its belief that it has never given the French footballer drugs or other prohibited substances. In short, Juve has pulled out and will now follow the matter step by step. Pogba will probably focus on the “accidental contamination”, the one that led to Palomino’s acquittal. According to the sporting code, however, he risks a 2-year disqualification which could even become 4 in the case of “established intentionality”. The latter is an unlikely scenario. All the others, however, are plausible hypotheses, including that of a reduced disqualification: this was the case with Joao Pedro in 2018, stopped for 6 months after the positivity. At the time the judges believed his version: a supplement contaminated prescribed in Brazil.

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In the event of a definitive conviction, Juventus will have the possibility of terminate the contract which ties Pogba to the Bianconeri until 2026. Getting rid of a heavy salary for a player who until now has remained practically always still since he returned to Turin. Even in recent days, in fact, news has been filtering out about an interest on the part of the Saudis inAl Hittihad. This summer, again from Saudi Arabia, Juve would have received an offer from 30 million euros for Pogba’s booking. It’s not a mystery that society would have willingly accepted. However, the Frenchman was convinced that he wanted to recover with the black and white shirt, after many unlucky seasons.

2023-09-12 08:40:58
#Pogba #Juventus #suspend #contract


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