Pablo Longoria remains president of OM

Two days before the Classic against PSG, Pablo Longoria has lifted the suspense surrounding his future: the president of Olympique de Marseille announced this Friday at a press conference that he would remain in his position, which was not not entirely obvious after the stormy meeting with the seven groups of supporters on Monday afternoon.

The next day, the Spanish leader decided to step aside until further notice, in the company of his right-hand man Javier Ribalta, the administrative and financial director Stéphane Tessier, and the general director Pedro Iriondo. In a press release, the Olympian club notably mentioned “personal threats” and “a relationship based on intimidation” to justify this position. Longoria and the entire club staff were absent on Thursday during the draw obtained on the pitch of Ajax Amsterdam (3-3) in the Europa League.

“I had a very long conversation with the owner Franck McCourt and the supervisory board who showed me unconditional support. »

“I expressed myself this week from the heart as a human being (in an interview with Provence). I also express myself today from the heart but as president of Olympique de Marseille, said Longoria in a monologue lasting a few minutes. I’m not going to go over what happened on Monday, it’s simply unacceptable. Throughout the week I was touched by the outpouring of popular support, the expressions of trust and affection from all sides, players, employees, supporters, actors in the political and institutional world, all those who understood the need for ‘a change.

Today, I had a very long conversation with the owner Franck McCourt and the supervisory board who showed me unconditional support. All this support warms my heart, shows me once again all the love, all the passion, all the good things that there are around OM, this city, the good values. It gives me a lot of energy. In view of all this support, I am regaining energy, and I have decided to continue my mission as president of Olympique de Marseille. I will be in Paris on Sunday.”

A complaint will be filed

Longoria does not intend to stop there, however. He announced that he had asked his lawyers to file a complaint following the stormy meeting with the supporters groups. “In life, I am a person of value, with very strong convictions. I can’t just denounce a situation, I have to follow through,” he explained.

The Spaniard also intends to bring together a certain number of local actors to support him in his reflection so that the events of Monday do not happen again in the future. “We must be able to work in a normal football club. Since 2021, we have done a lot of things to structure the club. I am the first to be aware that everything is not perfect, just as I am aware that I am going to begin the most difficult period of my mandate but I will remain determined to continue my mission.


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