one more year for the coach –

by the Sports Editor

Anticipated a month ago by the player’s agent, the negotiation closed today with the official announcement of the signing

The news was expected and arrived at the first break of the championship. Inter and Simone Inzaghi will continue their journey until 2025. On Tuesday morning, the via Liberazione club in fact spread the news of the extension of the coach’s contract – last Champions League finalist – until 2025 on social media.

FC Internazionale Milano happy to announce the renewal of the contract of coach Simone Inzaghi. Thanks to the new agreement, the coach will be at the helm of the Nerazzurri until 2025, reads the note.

One more year of programming, therefore, as Tullio Tinti, Simone’s historical agent, had announced at the beginning of August: The agreement had been reached during the tour. The agreement only needs to be formalized, but it will be a one-year renewal. Which now, just under a month later, has arrived. Inzaghi in his third consecutive year at the helm of Inter, it has not happened since the days of Roberto Mancini that a coach has led the team for so long.

The brilliant start that Inter had in this part of the 2023/24 championship has nothing to do with the renewal, three wins and no goals conceded. It had already been decided in the summer and was simply confirmed by these performances. In particular, the whole attack phase to hit, to leave a mark. Inzaghi focuses on the unstoppable sprints of the wingers Dimarco and Dumfries, on the central pocketing of Calhanoglu and Barella in the heart of the pitch. Inter sheds skin but does it for the first time since Mancini-bis with a coach who sits on his bench for the third season in a row: it will be up to Simone Inzaghi to quickly bring the engine revs to the right point, without the sudden drops in voltage that were seen until April.

September 5, 2023 (change September 5, 2023 | 1:10 pm)

2023-09-05 11:02:40
#year #coach


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