Olympic Medalist Charline Van Snick Introduces Children to Judo at Médiacité Shopping Center

September 27, 2023 5:09 p.m. Liège

Several children were treated to an introduction to judo with Charline Van Snick this Wednesday afternoon. The event was organized in the heart of the Médiacité shopping center by the free mutual insurance company Partenamut.

A dojo took over the Médiacité in Liège for an afternoon. Children aged 8 and over had the opportunity to discover judo for free. All with a first-rate coach: it was Charline Van Snick, Olympic medalist in 2012, who guided their first steps in this martial art. In a short time, the Liège judokate managed to share her passion with children passing through the shopping center.

These introductory sessions organized by the free mutual insurance company, Partenamut, pursue several goals. The main thing is to make young people aware of the importance of practicing physical activity to improve their health.


2023-09-27 17:11:49
#steps #judo #Charline #Van #Snick


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