Novak Djokovic Reflects on US Open Win, Tennis Changes, and Future Goals

Novak Djokovic, champion of the US Open 2023, goes through a press conference to talk about his adventures in recent years, difficulties and goals achieved. Additionally, the winner of 24 Grand Slams comments on how he has changed tennis from the Big 3 to Carlos Alcaraz.

A few crucial last hours

“I suppose people also have stories of overcoming situations, I love them, they motivate me. Obviously, it was different circumstances in Australia and here. I hadn’t played a tournament on American soil in two years, and the last time I lost to the player I beat today. I have done everything I can in the last 48 hours to not let the importance of the moment and what is at stake go against me. This is what happened to me two years ago, I played below my level and they surpassed me.

I learned my lesson. My team and my family knew in these last 24 hours that they could not touch me or speak to me, history was at stake. I had different thoughts in my head, the possible scenarios, the image in case I won, also about if I lost, although I tried to block them. It has been a great battle,” explains Djokovic with a smile on his face.

The second set, key in the duel

“The second set was the key, I don’t think I’ve played one that long in my life. He was probably better in the second set, but I managed to turn him around in the tiebreak. I was very relieved to win the second set, Medvedev is one of the best at making you hit one more ball. I don’t remember being so tired after exchanges. I felt like he couldn’t breathe, like I was losing my legs. “I wasn’t thinking about how to celebrate, I wanted to win and hug my daughter, my son, my wife, my parents, and my closest people.”

In constant search for the formula

“There are always changes, literally on a weekly basis, in my approach to training, recovery and mental training. There is always something I try to add and implement to improve my performance. It is a constant process of trying to be better and finding the formula. One of the biggest lessons I have learned throughout my career is that, even if you find a formula, it doesn’t have to be definitive, it probably won’t work the following year.

You need to reinvent yourself, because everyone does it. Being 36 and facing 20-year-olds, I probably have to do it more than ever to keep my body in shape and play at my best level consistently. Mentally and emotionally I also have to find the balance with the motivation to be inspired.”

Wanting more

“People like to talk, but there are different opinions. I am not interested in reviewing what each person says, whether or not I pass the baton to the new generation. I focus on what I have to do to win the big trophies, that’s what matters to me. It is incredible for our sport that it has a great rivalry with Alcaraz, without a doubt. He is fresh air for tennis, a great player, a great person too.

We all, collectively, want more attention and interest on tennis. The more people involved, the better for us, but at the end of the day, my goal has always been, at the beginning of each season, to win all the Grand Slams. It will continue to be so. These are the moments that keep me motivated. ‘How long do I want to continue?’ is a question that, of course, is on my mind. “I don’t want to leave this sport knowing that I play at the highest level and that I win the big tournaments.”

From the Big 4 to Carlos Alcaraz

“The four finals with different rivals. It’s different, because the rivalries I had were so strong and solid that there was a high probability that I would face Roger, Rafa or Andy in the final of a Grand Slam almost every year. Now, it’s different. I don’t mind playing with different tennis players if I win (laughs). I have played three epic games with Alcaraz this year. Tennis is in a good place, players come and go. It will be the same fate for me.”

Excited with the support of his daughter

“After winning I felt relief, that’s why I haven’t celebrated it as much as at Roland Garros. I was very relieved when I saw that his forehand stayed in the net. Out of respect, I wanted to quickly go online to say hello and say a few words to us. The next thing I wanted to do was go hug my daughter, because she was sitting in the front row, I didn’t know she would be there. She smiled at me during the game, every time I needed it, she had the innocent energy of a child. When I became a father, one of my wishes was for them to experience how I won a Grand Slam and for them to realize what was happening. “I feel blessed by the fact that it has happened twice, also in Paris.”

Meeting objectives

“When I thought about goals I didn’t think so specifically about the history of weeks at number one or the one with the most Grand Slams until three years ago. Slams seemed more attainable than weeks at number one, but I had faith. I believed I would get it. Now I don’t put any number in mind about how many Grand Slams I want to win until the end of my career. “I will continue to prioritize them as the most important tournaments and where I want to play my best tennis.”

2023-09-11 02:37:02
#goal #win #Grand #Slams


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