Novak Djokovic Defends Davis Cup Format and Blames ITF, Not Gérard Piqué

Targeted in particular by Stan Wawrinka and Julien Benneteau, Gérard Piqué has not been spared in recent days. Novak Djokovic, having just won his 24th Grand Slam title, will defend the colors of Serbia this week during the final stages of the Davis Cup. The Serbian, questioned at a press conference on the recent controversy concerning the format of the Davis Cup, preferred to blame the International Tennis Federation rather than the president of the Kosmos company. “I think the ITF has the final decision and authorized the format change in 2019 by accepting Pique’s contract with his investment group. We can’t blame him for this change. If there’s anyone to blame, it’s the ITF, because they make the decision. There are people who like it and others who don’t like it. »

According to the Belgrade native, the current format of the Davis Cup is not perfect but it should not be completely reformed. “The truth is that I now think that this format is not ideal. The precedent needed to be changed, but we need to find a balance between the precedent and the current. »

2023-09-15 10:21:14
#Davis #Cup #Novak #Djokovic #attacks #International #Tennis #Federation


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