Nikola Jokic Expected to Play for Another 5-6 Years, Says Austin Rivers

While looking for a team, Austin Rivers has time to go through podcasts on the NBA scene. Doc Rivers’ son chatted with Ben Simmons about current events in the world of basketball and one of the topics to discuss was Nikola Jokic. The reigning MVP of the Finals and champion of the last NBA with the Nuggets was his teammate on the Denver team, so he had no doubts when answering whether Jokic would play for a long time in the NBA.

“Do you see him as one of those players who are like 39 years old and just holding on?” Simmons asked him, being instantly cut off by Rivers, who assured that “There is no chance. I think he will play another five or six years. I don’t think he really gives a shit about American pop culture and trends and likes fame and relevance. Those things just don’t interest him. And the things that interest him are not those.”

On countless occasions, Jokic has already shown that basketball is almost an obligation for him and that his priorities are other, so Rivers’ words, most likely right, leave us no choice but to take advantage of the years we have left of the Serbian.

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2023-09-22 05:00:00
#Nikola #Jokic #years #left


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