New Badminton Opportunity for Seniors in Lunteren: No Obligation or Membership Required!

September 13, 2023 at 7:39 PM Other Share your news

Lunteren, Badminton association Veerkracht and Ut Sporthuus foundation, in collaboration with Sportservice Ede, have created an opportunity for men and women aged 55 and older to play badminton during the day.

From September 28, games will be played on Thursdays from 2:30 PM to 4:00 PM in room 3 of Ut Sporthuus. This part of the room has 3 badminton courts and Veerkracht provides all the materials needed for relaxed and recreational play.

The teams are put together by drawing lots so that everyone plays together, regardless of level. This creates a close-knit group and afterwards there is certainly time and opportunity for coffee or a drink.

What is special about this concept is that €5 is paid per Thursday that one is present. So no obligation or membership with annual contributions.

If you have your own rackets, bring them with you, but there are always good rackets available to try out the game.

This is another great initiative in Lunteren to keep our seniors mentally and physically healthy. There are already enough registrations to make this a success, but there is always room for more interested parties. If necessary, we can rent an additional room!

At Veerkracht you can also play and receive training as a member on Monday and Thursday evenings.

For questions and/or registration:

2023-09-13 17:45:56
#Lunteren #badminton #seniors


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