New Addition to Erste Bank Open: Footballer Herbert Prohaska and Astrologer Gerda Rogers Announced as Voices for Electronic System

This will probably cause some astonished looks from the tennis fans in the Wiener Stadthalle! There will be something new at this year’s Erste Bank Open at the end of October:

This year, the voices of cult footballer Herbert Prohaska and astrologer Gerda Rogers will be heard during “out” calls from the electronic system, which has been used instead of linesmen in Vienna since 2020.

“We had this approved by the ATP,” tournament director Herwig Straka proudly told the “Standard”. In addition to Prohaska and Rogers, a third voice should also be found.

Whether this is another “celebrity” or not is still up in the air.

2023-09-12 07:03:41
#calls #Schneckerl #Gerda #Rogers #Erste #Bank #Open


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