NBSV Coach Pitch Student Tournament Day: Join the Fun at the Lüneburg Woodlarks!

NBSV student coach pitch game day at the Lüneburg Woodlarks

On Saturday October 7th. The NBSV Coach Pitch Student Tournament Day will take place at the Lüneburg Woodlarks from 12 p.m.

All student players from all NBSV teams who do not yet have a lot of playing experience are invited to take part in this event. On site, the trainers divide the kids into teams. Coach Pitch Student Baseball is played on the small field.

Registration takes place via the club trainers, in the baseball and softball manager (BSM) in the courses area. The registration deadline ends on September 30, 2023.

Of course, the Woodlarks catering team is also there and ensures everyone’s physical well-being.

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2023-09-24 13:42:43
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