Mixed Feelings: AZ’s Talents Reflect on World Cup Final Defeat against Boca Juniors

An annoying defeat after the lottery called a penalty shootout, but an experience you will never forget: AZ’s talents look back on yesterday’s World Cup final against Boca Juniors with mixed feelings. “We gave everything,” says Rome-Jayden Owusu-Oduro, the goalkeeper of the Alkmaarders. He looks back on a special journey for NH.

Before the boys left for Schiphol, they received a presentation about jet lag in Alkmaar. “We then also looked at images of Boca Juniors and the fans, because that can also have an effect,” says the goalkeeper. “We lived more and more towards the match. I think we were well prepared after that.”

The Bombonera

Owusu-Oduro only really started to get the itch when he was allowed to walk on the grass of La Bombonera a day before the match. “It’s just horrible to play in such a stadium at this age. I immediately wanted to play that match, instead of waiting until the next day.”

37,000 supporters ultimately saw the Alkmaar club defeat Boca Juniors. This gave Owusu-Oduro mixed feelings. “We knew what was at stake, but for the experience it was very nice to experience. I think we can just be proud of ourselves about what we have achieved.”

Decisive moment

A decisive moment of the match were the penalties, after the regular match had ended and ended in a draw (1-1). The Argentinian club managed to win that series 4-1. “They often say: penalties are like a lottery,” the goalkeeper responds. “I did feel responsible towards the boys about the penalties, because I didn’t stop any.”

Still, Owusu-Oduro believes he and his team gave it their all. Owusu-Oduro hopes he can play in big stadiums like that more often. “It is very educational and very valuable. I am also very proud of the boys that we have come this far.”


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