Mexican Surfing Champion Jhony Corzo to Compete in 2023 Baja California Mexican Surfing Open

Rosarito, Baja California September 06, 2023 – The first Mexican surfing world champion, Jhony Corzo, will be at the 2023 Baja California Mexican Surfing Open, which will be organized by the Baja California Surf Association from September 16 to 17 at El Muelle from Rosarito Beaches.

Jhony was born in Puerto Escondido, he learned to surf at the age of 5 on Zicatela beach, in 2017 he managed to be crowned in France as the first Mexican world champion and over the years he has become one of the strongest cards in tricolor surfing.

The Oaxacan surfer continues his preparation within the Olympic process, and the Mexican Surf Open will be one of the important tests to show the necessary level to be in the next Pan American Games in Santiago 2023, so that Paris 2024 becomes a reality.

Another of the great athletes who will be in Rosarito is Sebastián Williams, also from Oaxaca, who managed to win the South African national championship twice and was able to integrate the national team, forming part of the team that would represent them at the ISA World Junior Games.

For its part, around 120 participants are expected in the Abierto Mexicano de Surf Baja California 2023, which will begin at 07:00 on Saturday, September 16, leaving the finals and award ceremony for the following day in the afternoon. on the pier of Playas de Rosarito.


2023-09-06 21:03:29
#Jhony #Corzo #Mexican #Surf #Open


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