Luis Suárez praises Messi and Neymar’s decisions for their futures

Luis Suárez, Leo Messi and Neymar They forged a great friendship FC Barcelona and as soon as they can they get together again. They also stand up for each other and speak well of each other when they get the chance. Now it was the striker’s turn Guild praise the decision that his companions made regarding his future, one leaving for the MLS of United Statess and the other to Saudi Arabia.

respect to Leo and his signing for him Inter Miami, Suarez said in ESPN that “I think he made the right decision to go to enjoy himself, have a good time and one more demonstration that it is not only that, but also to continue winning. He has already won a trophy and now he is going to fight for another one. That is the mentality of a competitive and winning type”.

Of the Brazilian I assure that “in the Paris Saint Germain They told him that they were no longer going to count on him. There is also the economic part that is important, although I don’t think I need it. But he thought about that and I think it is a decision that must be respected, as I respected at the time when he left the Barcelona. They are different moments. You do have to see what level he has after the long period of injury to continue showing that he is one of the best in the world”.

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2023-09-03 07:45:38
#Luis #Suarez #defends #Messi #Neymar


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