Love on the Slopes: Ski Couple Michelle Gisin and Luca De Aliprandini Going Strong

A ski couple in love.

The new ski season is approaching in big steps – also for a dream couple of the scene, who fall in love like on the first day even after years of relationship.

Michelle Gisin and Luca De Aliprandini – that just fits. The two ski stars have been selling a pair for years and apparently still have butterflies in their stomachs. When the Italian celebrated his 33rd birthday on September 1st, he received a very special congratulations from his lady of hearts on social media.

“Auguri amore”, meaning “All the best, my love,” wrote Gisin and added: “I love life with you.” The 29-year-old also posted a photo in which the two were beaming. Gisin and De Aliprandini have been a couple since 2014 and now they live together on Lake Garda.

Successful together on the slopes

In interviews, they repeatedly emphasize how important the respective partner is for their skiing career. So far, the dream couple has been able to celebrate some successes. Gisin is a two-time Olympic champion in alpine combination, De Aliprandini vice world champion in giant slalom.

The past season did not go according to plan for the Nonsberger, who attended the sports school in Mals in the South Tyrolean Vinschgau. 8th place was his best result. De Aliprandini wants to attack again this year – with butterflies in his stomach, just like his sweetheart Michelle Gisin.



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