Lecce-Salernitana 2-0, Krstovic decides it again: Salento in third place – Football

A tower in front to watch three quarters of Serie A from above, at least in the next two weeks. The second consecutive goal by Nikola Krstovic is enough to Lecce to beat the Salernitana by the sea. With his headers, the Montenegrin, the latest discovery of King Midas Corvino, brought four of the Salento’s seven points in the standings. As many as Juventus, two less than the Milanese, more than they had ever collected in the first three days. You are more than the third bottom Roma and Cagliari, which in the end is what counts. The rigor of 2-0scored in the final steal by Strefezza after the hand ball by Cabralis the icing on the cake.

Krstovic still scores

In Salernitana the heaviest absence was already announced. Nothing YesBotheim started up front: the Frenchman was still too distracted by theofferta last-minute del Wolverhampton, defined as “disrespectful” and returned to the sender by DS De Sanctis. In Lecce promoted Nikola Krstovicwho after Florence’s comeback goal proved he’s not a hero by chance. It’s his goal that opens the match after only 6‘, a surgical header towards the far post, which transforms the cross from the right into an assist Gendrey. Not a bad start: the last to score in his first two appearances for Lecce was Chevanton, 22 years ago. He was one year old.

Cabral does and undoes

Via del Mare enjoys Corvino’s last shot, but also an orderly Lecce, while Salernitana struggles to wake up. It takes her almost a whole time, shaken by a visionary Kastanos filter, betrayed only by Candrevawho after having collected in the area would have had the goal free, but fired on Falcone.

It could have boded well for the second half, but the game was stagnating on both sides. A sign is given by Jovane Cabralwho after 73′ of good will and little construct fires a right foot from the left edge of the area that is printed on the inner stick. Unlucky, yes, but in the 43rd minute of the second half there was no luck on which to blame: Bohine (who had previously wasted from the edge) gives him a penalty on the move, he shoots it in the corner.

Lecce hadn’t stood by and watched: D’Aversa settled for a goal from Krstovic and a few flashes from Banda and sent in Piccoli and Strefezza. One keeps the ball up, the other gives the freshness that the maneuver was starting to lack. Almqvist tried to benefit from it, Ochoa denied him the safety goal on a shot from the edge. He will arrive at 5 ‘of the 12’ of recovery: a penalty awarded after a Var check and converted by Strefezza for a handball by Cabralomnipresent in spite of itself.

Lecce-Salernitana 2-0
Lecce (4-3-3): Falcone; Gendrey, Baschirotto, Pongracic, Gallo (from 32′ st Dorgu); Raffia (from 17′ st Blin), Ramadani, Kaba (from 17′ st Kaba); Almqvist, Krstovic (from 25′ st Piccoli), Banda (from 25′ st Strefezza). All.: D’Aversa.
Salernitana (3-4-2-1): Ochoa; Lovato, Gyomber, Pirola (from 35′ st Tchaouna); Legowski (from 32′ st, L. Coulibaly (from 16′ st Martegani), Kastanos (from 17′ st Mazzocchi), Bradaric; Candreva, Cabral; Botheim (from 16′ st Ikwuemesi). Coach: Sousa.

Referee: Massimo from Termoli.
Reti: nel pt 6′ Krstovic, nel st 53′ Strefezza.
Corners: 6 Lecce, 0 Salernitana.
Recovery: 2′ and 13′.
Booked: Lovato, Banda, Kaba, Legowski, Gonzalez.

2023-09-03 21:31:02
#LecceSalernitana #Krstovic #decides #Salento #place #Football


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