LBS has submitted an application to hold one of the qualification tournaments of the Olympic Games

Shortly after the end of the tournament at the beginning of September, LBS general secretary Kaspars Tsiprus stated that LBS will look for opportunities to attract the necessary funding for holding the tournament and to cover the costs of the license in order to be able to apply for holding the tournament.

Tsipruss told the portal “” that it is currently unclear how many countries have submitted applications in total, and it is not yet clear how much financial support LBS could receive from the Ministry of Education and Science.

After the final tournament of the World Cup, Latvia rose from the 29th position to the eighth place in the FIBA ​​world ranking, which will allow it to be in the first basket before the draw for the pre-Olympic games qualification tournaments. A total of four qualifying tournaments will be held, with six national teams participating in each of them, and only the winner of each tournament will get a ticket to the Olympics.

Host France and South Sudan, Canada, USA, Japan, Germany, Serbia and Australia have already qualified for the Paris Olympics.

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2023-09-28 17:22:04
#LBS #submitted #application #hold #qualification #tournaments #Olympic #Games


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