Lawyer Doga Tokuçoğlu Park Becomes Favorite of Street Basketball Fans in Kuşadası

Lawyer Doga Tokuçoğlu Park, designed by Kuşadası Municipality for sports activities, has become the favorite of street basketball fans. The park, which has a basketball court built in accordance with the standards of the International Basketball Federation, especially young people show great interest.

Lawyer Doğa Tokuçoğlu Park in the Women’s Sea District, which was brought to the city by Kuşadası Mayor Ömer Günel in order to encourage young people to participate in sports and contribute to their physical development, has become a frequent destination for those who love street basketball. The park, where there is a night-lit basketball court in accordance with the standards of the International Basketball Federation, welcomes young people who come together to play basketball every day.

Tournaments will be held
With the 90s in Turkey, young people who leave the gym and enjoy playing basketball, which is the game of the street, by merging with the street culture, also find the opportunity to socialize by making new friendships. There are also different sports equipment in the park, where urban furniture and arbors are located. Lawyer Doga Tokuçoğlu Park will host basketball tournaments at certain times of the year.

“Features of the site are excellent”
Fuat Vargün, who stated that they felt the lack of a park in Kuşadası where they could do sports for many years, said, “Thanks to the Lawyer Doga Tokuçoğlu Park, this longing is now over. The floor of the basketball court here is very good. The best part for us is that the field has night lighting. In this way, we have the chance to play basketball in the evening. I would like to thank our President, Ömer Günel, for building such a beautiful park with a sports facility for young people in our city.”

University student Ata Akbaşlı, who stated that he loves to play basketball, said, “For us, it is very nice for us to increase the number of areas where we can do sports in Kuşadası. The location of the park to residential areas is also very well adjusted. It is very enjoyable to play basketball in this park at any time of the day,” he said.

2023-09-04 17:31:48
#heart #street #basketball #beats #park #Kuşadası


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