Lack of Suitable Spaces Hinders Judo Successes at European Championships

18 Set 2023 09:20

To the successes, the latest in chronological order at the European Junior Judo Championship with gold for Savita Russo and the two gold medals at the European Cup with Vincenzo Pelligra who will go to the world championship in Portugal in October and with Savita Russo herself , This is counterbalanced by the lack of suitable spaces for athletic training and competitive training.

An effort by the Administration could provide new and different spaces, especially suited to the needs of society.

“Currently, as a company, we have a rented space which is not suitable because the judo tatame does not exceed 87 square meters. It is clear that, for the activity we do at a national and international level, the need for new spaces is now a certain fact – states Maurizio Pelligra, the historic judo coach who has led many young people to success and Scicli in the world – among on the other we must say that our club has become a point of reference for Italian champions. A few weeks ago twelve Italian champions came to train. That says it all. We solved the problem with the use of the Donnalucata geodetic, which is not yet open to the public and to competitions. Let’s hope a location arrives soon.

In Zagarone an area owned by the Municipality could be earmarked for the case.

“In this area a modular structure could be created and the first module could be intended for combat disciplines. Our company could be one of these – says Maurizio Pelligra – we hope that the Municipality will start this project in a very short time”. An excellent nursery, given the results and the latest “golds” of this summer 2023. “About 100 athletes between adults and children, the nursery is from Scicli while as regards the agonists we have kids who come from Ispica, Ragusa, Modica and also from Enna. Precisely from this capital of the island came an Italian champion boy who his father, a judo master, decided to train with Koizumi Ecodep judo. For us, the choice of a judo coach to have his son train with our club can only be a source of pride” – concludes Maurizio Pelligra.

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2023-09-18 07:39:49
#suitable #spaces #Koizumi #Ecodep #judo #Scicli #rejoices #European #results #cries.. #due #lack #adequate #structure


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