Kodokan Pamiers Judo Prepares for School Year with World Champion Visit

Reconnecting on the tatami mats at Kodokan Pamiers judo, a club which has seriously prepared for its return to school. Several courses were recently on the program, mainly the one with the triple Japanese world champion Ebinuma Masashi. World champion in 2011 in Paris, he retained his title at the 2013 world judo championship in Rio de Janeiro then at those of 2014 in Chelyabinsk, in western Siberia. In short, a serious world-class player. His visit to the region was a great success with more than 300 judokas taking to the tatami mats of Saint-Orens.

Learn alongside the grown-ups

The opportunity was ripe for the Appamean judokas to learn even more and perfect the technical movements of judo. Congratulations to the participants who made an enriching trip with Lisa, Luna, Yona, Hugo, Cyrille, Maxime, Thierry, Othman, Thomas, Patrick without forgetting Yannick. A little before that, a Brazilian ju-jitsu course was planned at Lavelanet under the direction of Maxime Maurus, fifth at the European junior championships. The youngest were not left out and also took part in a sports and fun course at the end of August in Pamiers under the direction of Lisa Falcou and Patrick Paulhan. On the mats, the goal was to have fun, to progress by promoting sessions on judo improvement, technique, movements, falls and training combat. Finally, outdoor activities were favored and this course made it possible to continue to progress, relax and mix age categories with mutual aid, friendship and solidarity between each generation. Gradual return to the tatami mats for the Kodokan which adjusts the kimonos for the start of the school year.

Schedules on the Kodokan website, practical information and training section https: www.kodokanpamiersjudo.com/
2023-09-09 04:07:45
#Pamiers #Judo #world #champion #training


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