Kevin Porter Jr. Arrested for Assault and Strangulation of Girlfriend

(Adnkronos) – NBA player Kevin Porter Jr was arrested on charges of assaulting and attempting to strangle his girlfriend. The two were staying at the Millennium Hotel in New York and, according to a police report, she locked him out of the room. However, Porter, a guard for the Houston Rockets, managed to gain access to the room with the help of hotel security and then attacked her. “On arrival officers were advised that a 26-year-old woman had suffered a laceration to the right side of her face and was complaining of neck pain,” a police spokesperson said. “A preliminary investigation at the scene determined that a known individual struck her multiple times on her body and placed his hands around her neck.” The woman, former WNBA player Kysre Gondrezick, was taken to hospital for a medical evaluation. The Rockets released a statement to ESPN following the arrest. “We are gathering information on the matter involving Kevin Porter Jr.,” the statement read. “We have no further comment at this time.” —[email protected] (Web Info)

2023-09-11 22:50:28
#NBA #Kevin #Porter #arrested #attempted #strangle #girlfriend


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