Karl-Anthony Towns Proudly Represents Dominican Republic in Basketball World Cup

EFESep 29, 2023, 7:06 PM ETLreading: 3 min.

This is how the Dominican team received KAT

The Minnesota Timberwolves center joined the squad and was received at full pace by the group.

The Minnesota player returned to the Dominican Republic squad after more than a decade

Karl-Anthony Towns He was proud this Thursday of having defended the Dominican Republic jersey in the Basketball World Cup and trusted that he can apply that experience to the new season of the Minnesota Timberwolves.

“It meant a lot to me, it meant everything to be able to play for my mother’s country, for our country, and represent us,” said the Dominican-American center at the Wolves’ Media Day (official open day for the media). facing the new NBA season).

I’m very proud to have worn that jersey again and to be a man of my word when I said I would play in it again. “I want to take my experience from the World Cup, bring it and use it to affect the team,” he added.

Karl Towns.AP Photo/Aaron Favila.

Towns and Anthony Edwards are the two main leaders of the Wolves who are looking to make a leap in quality to join the prominent contenders in the Western Conference.

Those from Minnesota have qualified for the playoffs in the last two years but in both years they fell in the first round: in 2022 against the Memphis Grizzlies (4-2) and in 2023 against the Denver Nuggets (4-1) who would finish winning the ring.

“Obviously you want to win a playoff series but this starts tomorrow when our preseason begins. Every day is an opportunity to be one percent better,” he said.

27 years old and with eight seasons already under his belt, Towns had a calf injury last season that only allowed him to play 34 games in total (29 in the regular season and five in the playoffs).

Due to that injury, the association of the two ‘towers’ that the Wolves had imagined with Towns and the Frenchman Rudy Gobert, who arrived last year from the Utah Jazz, could hardly be seen on the court.

“Rudy and I need more time, obviously my injury didn’t help. So it’s going to be good to play with him when he’s healthy,” he said.

In this sense, the Latin interior insisted that having participated in the World Cup, with FIBA ​​basketball and all the time with decisive games, can help him start the NBA season in top shape and with his body ready.

2023-09-29 23:06:00
#Towns #hopes #bring #experience #Dominican #team #Timberwolves


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