Judo Jura Dames Show Tactical Resilience in Regional Dominance

Despite a squad still reduced by injuries, the selection of the best fighters in the region dominated Yverdon twice (6-4/6-4) and won a good defensive point against a solid team from Friborg (2-8 then 4-6). At the end of this third day, however, the Jurassiennes left first place in the ranking to Saint-Gall, whom they will face in the last round.
Very fine tactical margin
Judo Jura Dames once again had little choice in its lineup for these four matches. Alexandra Déboeuf was alone at the weigh-in in -52 kg, just like Lara Bigler in -70 kg and Tatiana Joliat in +70 kg. Thalia Léchenne and Dorine Lachat both weighed in -57 kg. The tactical margin was therefore fine, and the injury…

2023-09-18 18:09:46
#Valiant #ladies #Judo #Jura #slipped #2nd #place


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