Jérôme Boateng Faces Third Trial: Legal Troubles Continue

After two seasons which didn’t really make an impression, Jérôme Boateng (35) left OL. Free, the German defender did not find a base. He is certainly waiting to resolve his legal troubles. In October 2021, he was fined 1.8 million euros for attacking his ex-partner and mother of his daughters in 2018. He allegedly hit him in the face during a trip to the Caribbean. On appeal, he was finally ordered to pay 1.2 million euros.

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This Monday, Bild explains that he will experience his third trial this week. On Thursday, the Munich Supreme Court will examine his case. The player is not obliged to be present, even if it is better in the eyes of those who will judge this case. This time, Bild specifies that “The Bavarian Supreme Court must now decide whether the judgment against Boateng may have contained procedural or legal errors.” The former Bayern Munich player should therefore be confirmed within the week.

Pub. 09/18/2023 9:43 p.m. Updated 09/18/2023 9:51 p.m.

2023-09-18 19:43:00
#trial #Jérôme #Boateng


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