Italian Olympic Delegation Concludes Visit to Paris 2024 Facilities

The Italian Olympic delegation ended its visit to the facilities of the next Paris 2024 Games with a series of meetings at the headquarters of the Organizing Committee of the next 2024 Olympic Games at the Pulse business center, in Rue Proudhon, in the Saint-Denis district. The respective Sport Managers of the Committee of each sporting discipline took part in the individual meetings of the individual Technical Directors.

The Italian delegation led by the Head of Mission and Secretary General of CONI, Carlo Mornatihad begun the tour of meetings and inspections in Paris together with the 22 technical managers of as many Olympic disciplines and the representatives of the Olympic Preparation with a visit to the Olympic village where the Italian athletes will stay.

“It was an extremely interesting experience – declared the Head of Mission Mornati at the end of the two-day visit to the Olympic infrastructures – the intense conversations and analyzes of the different needs were an excellent taste of what awaits us in those days. These direct meetings with the Organizing Committee, which I thank on behalf of all the participants, the visits to the accommodation and facilities, will allow athletes of all disciplines to have maximum assistance from the Italian mission in the wake of a tradition which has always seen CONI committed to encouraging participation in the name of quality and competence.”

“The inspection in Paris left us satisfied – commented DT Lotta, Advanced Savior– our athletes will find an Olympic facility that will put them in a position to face the race without additional difficulties. The CONI staff paid great attention to every single detail that could help our athletes achieve their goal.”

“They have been intense days – said the Judo DT, Laura Di Toma– and, I won’t deny it, also exciting. The guided tours left an impression of efficiency and great attention to detail which, just to give a few examples, includes a detailed circulation plan with transfers and taxis that can be used for free with the Olympic pass, or the completely “green” Olympic village. I was also struck by the presentation of Casa Italia, which was designed to make anyone who sets foot inside immediately feel at ease, everything is truly special.”

The following participated in the visit to the Paris facilities: Antonio La Torre (DT Athletics), Cesare Butini (DT Swimming), Vincenzo De Luca (DT Sports Climbing), Lorenzo Pugliese (DT Badminton), Paola Porfiri (Team Manager – Rhythmic Gymnastics) , Alberto Tappa (SG Italian Boxing Federation), Oscar Bertone (DT Diving), Carlo Silipo (CT Women’s Water Polo), Gianluca De Dominicis (DT International – Sports Dance), Stefano Cerioni (DT Fencing – Foil), Dario Chiadò (DT Fencing – Sword), Nicola Zanotti (DT Fencing – Saber), Sante Spigarelli (President of the National Technical Commission – Archery), Laura Di Toma (DT Judo), Salvatore Avanzato (DT Fight), Oreste Perri (DT Canoe – Speed ), Francesco Iacobelli (Technical Sector – Canoe Slalom), Francesco Cattaneo (DT Rowing), Andrea Valentini (DT Modern Pentathlon), Roberto Amadio (Cycling Team Manager), Roberto Pentrella (SG Italian Gymnastics Federation), Piero Capannini (Manager National Representatives – Skateboarding)

In the photos (by Laura Di Toma): on the left, the Eiffel Tower reflected in the windows of the entrance to the Champ de Mars Arena, which will host the judo and wrestling competitions; on the right, the presentation of the Olympic village project

2023-09-27 15:48:41
#Toma #Avanzato #visit #Paris #facilities


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