#IoTifoSveva: Handball Trieste Teams Up with a Worthy Cause for the 2023/2024 Serie A Gold Season

“#IoTifoSveva” will accompany the Handball Trieste throughout the season 2023/2024 Serie A Gold. In fact, on the occasion of the first championship match played yesterday in Chiarbola against They conversethe logo of the association founded by Marta Bassi and Paolo Piattelli made its appearance on the warming shirts of the red and white team.

A beautiful initiative, the one that links the multiple championship-winning Julian association to the reality born in memory of the little girl Svevawhich therefore also goes outside the usual sphere of basketball and which also wants to become a small lucky charm for the team coached by Fredi Radojkovic.

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2023-09-10 15:45:33
#IoTifoSveva #logo #Trieste #Handball #shirts


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