Inter: Inzaghi “no table, everything can still change” – Football

Inter: Inzaghi “no table, everything can still change” – Football

“Inter must not send out any messages or make any plans. Only five games have passed and everything can change quickly. We must continue with this concentration.” So Simone Inzaghi after the victory at Empoli. “We had a great approach, creating a lot, but we weren’t able to score.

Then we adapted to the pace of the match a bit and we didn’t do very well. Dimarco’s great goal helped in the second half”, commented the coach. “Arnautovic’s exit meant we played the last 7-8 minutes with a numerical inferiority and you can pay for something. We had the opportunity to make it 2-0, these types of matches must be closed.” Regarding Arnautovic he explains that he “had a significant injury. It’s the only bad news of the day. He was fitting in well with the group, he had an excellent feeling with his teammates. He felt something in his flexor, we’ll see in the next few days. It’s an important loss, it’s important to have four attackers in rotations. Now I will evaluate.”

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2023-09-24 14:23:34
#Inter #Inzaghi #table #change #Football


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