Indonesia is in 7th place after first gold


Indonesia has just confirmed its first gold medal Asian Games 2023. From acquisition standings medali Asian Games 2023 themselves, host China still dominates.

Red and White was successfully awarded the first gold in the shooting sport. There was Muhammad Sejahtera Dwi Putra who won it in the Men’s 10m Running Target number, Monday (25/9).

Apart from gold, the Shooting branch also presented Bronze pieces in the team event. To be precise, in the 10m Running Target Team Men’s number.

Previously, Indonesia had won 1 silver medal and 3 other bronze medals in Asian Games 2023. Edgar Xavier Marvelo won silver from the Wushu sport in the Men’s Changquan event.

Meanwhile, the three bronze medals were won by the Rowing branch. Chelsea Corputty and Mutia Rahma Putri respectively in the Lightweight Women’s Double Sculls number, Ihram and Memo in the Men’s Double Sculls number, and Asihan Pattiha cs in the Men’s Eight number.

With this medal, Indonesia is temporarily in seventh place 2023 Asian Games medal standings passing 1 gold, 1 silver and 4 bronze.

Apart from Indonesia, other countries that have also collected 1 gold piece are Macao (9th position), Taiwan (8th position), and India (6th position).

In the top four positions in the 2023 Asian Games medal standings are Hong Kong with 2 gold, Uzbekistan with 3 gold, Japan (3 gold), and Korea (6 gold).

Meanwhile, China, the host, dominated the gold medal tally Asian Games 2023 so far. China had collected 30 gold pieces as of Monday (25/9) afternoon WIB.

2023 Asian Games Medals (top seven)

30 gold, 12 silver, 5 bronze Korea
6 gold, 7 silver, 7 bronze Japan
3 gold, 10 silver, 7 bronzeUzbekistan
3 gold, 4 silver, 3 bronze Hong Kong
2 gold, 2 silver, 6 bronze India
1 gold, 3 silver, 6 bronze Indonesia
1 gold, 1 silver, 4 Bronze


2023-09-25 07:37:50
#Indonesia #7th #place #gold


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