Improving Sewerage Networks: Aguas del Altiplano to Increase Conduction Capacity of Ruperto Quinteros Collector

The works that have a term of 150 days, have the objective of ensuring the correct functioning of the sewerage network and they consider deep excavations, earth movement and the temporary diversion of vehicular traffic in the intervened areas.

Within the framework of its program for the maintenance and improvement of the public network of collectors and to ensure the best service to the residents of this important sector of the city; Aguas del Altiplano will execute the project “Increase in the Conduction Capacity of the Ruperto Quinteros Collector”.

The project, which has a global investment of almost $500 million pesos, considers the installation of new pipes with a larger diameter (450 millimeters) from the intersection of Luis Valente Rossi avenue with José Santos Leiva, entering Ruperto Quinteros along this same street, to continue until Tucapel avenue, with a layout of 307 meters in total.

According to Luis Recabarren Araya, head of the Altiplano Water Works Department, one of the main objectives of this project is to increase the conduction capacity of the sewage networks, especially considering the housing development of this sector of the city.

“We will go from pipes of 300 millimeters in diameter to 450 millimeters, that is, a significant improvement, in addition to having better quality materials for conducting sewage, such as HDPE,” said Luis Recabarren.

Likewise, the head of the Department of Works of Aguas del Altiplano specified that, in some sections, the current pipes are more than four meters, for which deep excavations, earthworks and the temporary closure of the sections to be intervened will be necessary. .

“It is very important to have the support of the community, especially respecting road signs, and the segregation (barriers) of work areas. It is a fairly deep collector that requires special measures, which is why we ask for the support of the community and especially the drivers”, highlighted Luis Recabarren.


2023-09-04 19:07:27
#Aguas #del #Altiplano #increase #collector #capacity #Ruperto #Quinteros #street


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