homophobic chants heard at the Parc des princes are controversial

The interministerial delegate for the fight against racism, anti-Semitism and anti-LGBT hatred (Dilcrah) Olivier Klein said on Monday he was “shocked” by the homophobic chants sung Sunday evening during the OM-PSG match and hoped that sanctions are taken. “With the Dilcrah, I will contact the PSG club and the professional football league so that sanctions can be taken. We will also study the possibilities of taking legal action,” adds Olivier Klein, who took over in September as head of Dilcrah, an organization attached to Matignon. His message is accompanied by a thirty-second video in which we can hear PSG supporters singing homophobic chants against the players of the Marseille team. According to an AFP journalist present at the stadium to follow the match, these chants lasted almost a quarter of an hour.

Frequent homophobic behavior

According to an Ipsos survey published at the beginning of September and conducted with the LGBT+ Sports Federation, 46% of French people say they have already witnessed homophobic or transphobic behavior in the sporting environment. Still according to this study, less than one in two French people have the feeling that “things are being done to combat LGBTphobia in sport” and more than three quarters (78%) want us to “go further” on that question.


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